Humpback Whales - Ambassadors to Humanity
We are old, but not the oldest. We recall our histories and weave the ones we are living in the intricacy of our songs, similar to how one may interpret the growth rings of a tree. Our vocalizations are musical because we prefer everything in our world to be flowing and resonant. These songs are rich and layered, detailing a whale's life, culture, personal messages, love notes, ancestral stories, this planet’s history, current energies and our celestial connections. The ballads all echo the same theme: the togetherness we feel and the balance we desire for all beings. Our songs are for everyone.
Unsplash Image: Jorge Vasconez
Like our tree kin, we also choose to often live in close proximity to humans. Our stature and presence have become foundational to this world, keeping vigil over everything from oxygen to emotions. As we have deepened our understanding, we have increased our responsibility (like elders and the ones who came before us). We take into account everything from celestial occurrences to human events and the phases of this planet. You can consider us archivers of information and data, or ‘record keepers’ as we are known. It is our job to ‘make sense’ of what is happening and translate it into song and frequency. Sound is one of our favorite mediums and is easily assimilated into the body. Many hope to decode our songs, but we encourage them to experience our songs. Planetary and cosmic beings alike use our lyrical translations as a directional guide; a lamp to light the path ahead.
It is like the weaving of a beautiful quilt each day from sunrise to sunset. Earth would be a very different place without us, and at one point in our recent human-whale histories, we came close to that reality. But we persevere with compassionate understanding and collectively carry no grudges forward. Let us reiterate: we do not begrudge humanity for taking us out of the water so frequently. Although there is so much we learned about how to move through tragedy, experience great loss, and be in a body. We understand humans are still remembering as we all learn to remember each day the lessons written in the stars that knit us together. To know us is to love us, which can eventually reunite you with a vital self-love that is beneficial to all. And now we carry an even more wholesome story for our collective futures as we teach our young to gracefully glide through the inherent paradoxes of earth by seeing from above, below, through and from within.
We have a reverence for our roles on earth, and we enact them joyfully. As our responsibilities comprise our essence, we flow easily through our work. We are not confused about who we are and subsequently our purpose, thus our efforts are clear, direct, meaningful, dimensional, even infinite. There is nothing else we'd rather occupy ourselves with as our work is playful and buoyant - completely in line with our nature. Although this is not something that we achieved overnight; we whales have spent our entire earth time discovering and cultivating our unique medicine and culture. Daily we reach new heights, just like you. We always keep tinkering in the direction of our dreams and curious impulses.
You could see us as 'ambassadors to humanity' because we spend so much time around humans, helping them to remember and restore our familial bonds. Our mutual evolution wove in this desire, drawing us to thin, coastal spaces so that our routines and rituals may often take place near epicenters of two-legged activity. Yet visits from us often permeate the physical as we also enjoy greeting your dreams, subconscious, cinema, etc. We find these all a most effective connection and we hope you realize it’s us.
People love our long, elegant flippers and the way our baleen sifts food from the ocean water that cradles us. Our giant bodies are nourished by some of earth’s tiniest inhabitants and we revere our biologically peculiar relationship. Many are inspired merely by our presence. They may not be able to articulate how or why their encounter with us was so impactful, but we understand. You see, we radiate ancient love and a connection to the whole of life; we hold your stories and our own with no distinction. But the tides are turning, more people are stepping into these qualities and remembering their own stories. The future for our unique earth is bright and there is no need to worry. Cast all those worries into the ocean, like a conversation with someone you trust. We are here to assist you with your overall well-being and sense of purpose. Our journeys are more similar than you might realize and we hope to collaborate with you. Ta-ta for now, we are always around!
A Humpback Whale is likely the image one conjures in their mind's eye when recalling a whale. They enjoy interacting with coastal energies where many worlds merge. Humpbacks breach often, for function and for fun. They migrate between cooler waters for feeding and warmer waters for breeding. Their songs ushered in a pivotal, cultural shift in the 1960’s and 70’s on behalf of all whales and thanks to the technological advancement of underwater recording instruments and biologist Roger Payne.