Spider is a foundational friend of Fauna Speak and frequent contributor. Her Grandmotherly guidance will be joining us once more in the center of Autumn. Bringing insights to inspire the webs we weave, from our personal worlds and innermost desires to the global community and planetary systems. A unique space to nurture/reimagine subtle layers of life, beginning with even the thinnest of threads. Spider brings us back to the basics of weaving and attracting nourishment into our symbiotically sustaining webs.
I chose to include the word ‘subtle’ in this gathering’s title as much of our language is tied to origins of textiles and subtle is no exception: from sub (“under”) + tēla (“a web”), from texere (“to weave”) and implying a clever artisan. What wonder we entwine with words, just as Spider has always taught with her tapestries. Intelligently she delivers us to both the past and present through the portal of her web.
In November, we will be exploring the subtle webs of our dreams; strengthening and perhaps braiding them, imagining ones on the horizon. All the while enjoying the elastic potential of a thoughtfully woven world. I am joined by special guests at this event: we will be guided on a journey with Grandmother Spider and led through creative, sensory web weaving to thread our discoveries as artful expression.
All are welcome. This event will last between 2 and 2.5 hours.
Email me at faunaspeak@gmail.com with any questions.
Scholarships available, simply write to inquire.