Friend and Colleague Christine Noble Seller of Conversations with Animals and Nature has invited me to participate in her amazing project Conversations for Charity:
“This series is a volunteer initiative (part of my advocacy work) to support you -- to help other animals -- by sharing information and resources from guest experts, while raising awareness and funds for animal charities. All the topics and guests are intuitively guided -- you don't have to be a communicator to join -- all animal lovers are warmly welcome!” -Christine
We will dive deep with the order of Cetacea, exploring current yet timeless themes and guidance they have through conversation and visualization.
Overview of Whales, Dolphins and Porpoises (Cetaceans)
Whales as elders, Dolphin medicine, Porpoises
How to connect with Cetaceans and ocean energy (even when you are far from the sea)
Galactic connections of Whales and Dolphins
Cetaceans in your dreams
Cetacean biology, migration and celebration
How whales are distributed along North American coastline, how to connect with Cetaceans globally
Closing visualization guided by Kristen and Cetaceans
Beneficiary: The Whale Museum
The Whale Museum: promoting stewardship of whales and the Salish Sea ecosystem through education & research.
In the Pacific Northwest of the United States lives the Southern Resident Community of Orcas, an endangered population of orcas, sometimes known as "killer whales."
The Whale Museum, located in beautiful Friday Harbor, Washington, USA opened to the public in 1979 as the first museum in the country devoted to a species living in the wild. Today, our museum continues to promote stewardship of whales and the Salish Sea ecosystem through education and research.
Unsplash Image: Gabriel Dizzi